Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Learn How to Start to Lose Weight


Learn How to Start to Lose Weight

This article can be viewed online at http://fitnessinreach.com/learn-how-to-start-to-lose-weight/


How are you going to do it?

1. You will progressively change your diet, but don’t expect just salads and fish or any of the faddish diets you see out in the world. Your body needs Carbs, Proteins and Fats and you will get them all.
2. You will start exercising at least 3 days per week and work to get to 5 or 6 days per week and will build muscle, burn fat and feel amazing.
3. You will do this for the long term, with consistency and with as much help as you need.

Who is going to help you?

I am. I will have many resources on this web site for you to use, and should you choose to commit with me, you will have direct access TO ME. This means:
  1. phone number (call or text)
  2. direct email
  3. Facebook
  4. and any other means we work out together

Who is “ME”?

Ok so you are asking yourself :

“How much FREE HELP am I really going to get?”

When you click on the START BUTTON above, you will be sent to a form that allows you to tell me how ready you are to get started. You can choose as many of these options as you want:
1. I would like a FREE GUIDE to clean up WHAT I regularly eat.
2. I would like a FREE WORKSHEET that helps me determine how MUCH I should eat every day.
3. I would like a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION about my health and fitness goals and continued guidance over basic steps to take.
4. Please send me a link to a FREE WORKOUT VIDEO that I can follow that as made by P90X Trainer, Tony Horton.
5. I have heard of Beachbody and want to learn more about programs like P90X, Insanity, Les Mills or TurboFire.
6. I am PULLING ALL STOPS and want to consult about the best possible programs to follow for the most dramatic and life changing results in a short but healthy amount of time.

I will use all means I have to support you and to

keep you in a supportive environment.

You can do this. You NEED to do this. I will be here every step of the way if you ask me to be. My expertise, experience and motivation is FREE to you as long as you are willing to put in the work. We will do this together. Get started now!

My goal is to bring you along on an ‘assembly line’ of health and fitness. This mainly refers to the 6th option on the form you can choose when you click on the START BUTTON on this page. You can also read a recent blog article on this by me if you would like. This essentially gets your insides ready first through an eating and supplementation regiment to set you up for a complete BLAST OFF on the outside when you start following a workout program.
And remember…….

New Year’s Weight Loss


New Year’s Weight Loss

This article can be seen online at http://fitnessinreach.com/new-years-weight-loss/

Losing weight as a New Year’s resolution must be one of if not the most popular resolution out there. Everyone knows how the holidays can be and we see the scale go up and we think “Oh my gosh, I need to do something about this!”
First of all, DO NOT go looking for quick fixes and miracle diets, supplements or faddish workouts. Don’t do it. Do yourself a favor and take at least this one peice of advice. Our bodies are not built to accept quick fixes, and they also dont exist. There are lots of ways to lose weight but losing weight isn’t necessary synonomous with being HEALTHY. The scale will LIE to you if you aren’t actually taking care of your body.
There is one simple principle that that never fails: Take care of your insides and your outsides will follow.
You take care of your insides by giving your body the right nutrition, the right AMOUNTS of nutrition and at the right FREQUENCY. This likely means eating habit changes and is often the single hardest part of a compitent workout program.
As a certified personal trainer, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND a program that will help you address this change if not master it first before you put hard work into your workouts. Watch the video below and see why I have been personally amazed at the power of this 21 Day Ultimate Reset.


In the summer of 2012, in 3 weeks I learned what feeling amazing really felt like, my cholesterol and triglycerides dropped like a rock and I shed 15lbs of fat and waste out of my body while keeping my muscle just from eating the right things and supplementing based on a predetermined schedule. I try to have ALL of my clients do this reset before they start their first workout program and recommend it to EVERYONE.
If you want your new years weight loss to have fast results, then take the challenge and do this program. By making everything in your body work at its optimal health, you will see just how miraculously your body works.